Friday 29 January 2010

Assessment 2 – Analysis of Opening Sequence.

The opening sequence of a horror film is very important when wanting to make the audience carry on watching it, without giving too much away and adding mystery to entice the audience. My chosen clip was from Final Destination 2. The camera used in the opening sequence started with a pan of photographs and mirrors that looked feminine, it introduces the audience to the characters. The camera shows us detail of the photographs and close ups of the people in the pictures.We then see a canted angle shot of a doll that could be represented with the horror aspects of the film. The lighting throughout out the sequence is very low key as are a lot of generic horror films, it leaves the audience in suspense and adds atmospheric aspects to the scene. During the camera pan we see a map and a keying with ‘Road Trip’ labelled on it, this refers back to the title of the film with is Final Destination could be linked with the road trip and travelling. During the sequence low-key lighting is used with white text contrasting against the dark background. The sound throughout the opening sequence is a diagetic, non synchronised news report on the television. We hear a male talking about supernatural and death in an argumentive voice talking about death and supernatural aspects, this is all linking to the horror and starting the film with added mystery. There is a point of view shot when the female character is looking at the television. Then there is a zoom in of the female characters face which switches to an extreme close up of the males eyes which reflects his anger and emotion and over-whelming opinion on what he is talking about. In the opening sequence there is a sudden darkness creating an element of surprise for the audience, which leaves the audience wanting to watch more. Throughout this there is a motif sound of strings being used. Strings are predominantly used within the sequence to create an element of suspense and atmosphere, as they are used in many famous horror films. The dynamics of the mood then change into a more light hearted feeling when the female character is saying her goodbyes during the day time and getting in the car where there is a match on action, and an ambient sound in the background of children playing and birds singing in the street. When the car moves away there is a trace of something red on the pavement that is shown in a close up to show the audience in-depth detail. The red represents the semiotic for blood which relates back to the fact that it is a horror film and adds an element of mystery.

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